
How Expensive Things can make me crazy!

Yesterday my friends and I went to boy's clothes store. Searched for gift to their lovely boy . . And they got shirt .

Dan kulihat satu jamper, ala cowok, but that so coool!! I like it! But so poor, that so expensive and I didn't gift a lot money to buy it . .

Sepertinya, apapun yang kusukai selalu mahal.. Kata mereka, selera berkelas. Tapi yah seringlah itu membuatku bangkrut, karena bagaimanapun juga uang sakuku terbatas.

Menabung dulu .. Dan jarang tabunganku cukup untuk membeli apa yang aku mau, karena bagaimanapun juga simpanan itu dibutuhkan untuk masa depan.

Tapi obsesiku pada benda-benda mahal masih terus ada, so how I can stop it??!!!

This is my list "what I want":

1. Apple products
2. Fabulous house
3. Jeep car
4. Clothes by Chanel
5. Go to Paris
6. Be a rich girl!!!
7. Be a student college of Harvard
8. Manymore . .

Anybody want to realize my dreams???